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About the owner

     Hello, I am Logan, the founder and owner of Horizon Tunes. I am a fifth grader. I have decided to start a radio network because I feel that music connects your emotions with the world around you and reflects them. I am saying that if you play music you like, it will make you happy, and you can reflect the bad things and feel a little better about them and maybe even make another person feel happy. I enjoy all the music that is played on this station and hope that all the listeners do to.

Music Variety

     Horizon Tunes has a lot of music variety. It varies from 60s hits, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s hits. Even hits from today are included. Genres will vary from country to pop and more. This means that pretty much everybody is open to listening, which means more happy people out there.

Laptop Writing
Where are we located?

We are located in a small town in Pennsylvania called Abbottstown. This town is apart of historical route 30's Lincoln Highway.

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